
How You Make DotOUT Great

Every event we drag out the large glass flower jar you see in the picture above. (Seriously - you can't miss it -- it is HUGE!) Every event, you, our dedicated DotOUT members, surprise us

Awww! We’re on YouTube!

We were sent this super-cute Dorchester Day Parade 30 second video of our float created by YouTuber "ilove Dorchester". Notice how the video clip had sound? (Inside joke -- there were a few moments of

2014 Theme is Announced

DotOUT presents METAMORPHOSIS - EMBRACING CHANGE as year's float theme for Dorchester Day and Boston Pride parades. Dorchester's own LGBT group celebrates a decade of acceptance as change swept through city and neighhorhood. Dorchester Day

Float Planning in Full Force!

It's amazing what a few creative and energetic folks can do with a hot glue gun, jig saw, and a limited budget. This summer's Dot Day Parade and Boston Pride will be so wicked awesome.


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.

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